eCommerce Marketing

Are Pinterest Ads Effective?

October 20, 2023
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As a business owner, it’s natural to want to expand your advertising efforts when you have the budget.

Since its inception, Pinterest has steadily become one of the most popular apps around the globe and is currently the 14th largest social network in the world, highlighting an opportunity for advertisers.

If you’re interested in trying Pinterest ads, you might be wondering if Pinterest ads are effective.

The answer to this question is yes. Pinterest ads can be highly effective, particularly for e-commerce brands, for a range of different reasons.

Pinterest ads are effective in that:

  1. Pinterest has a wide audience and advanced targeting options
  2. They are highly cost-effective 
  3. Pinterest is an app for inspiration 
  4. They are ideal for e-commerce brands 
  5. Pinterest ads help to drive traffic 

1. Pinterest Has A Wide Audience & Advanced Targeting Options

One of the main reasons Pinterest is effective is the wide audience the platform has alongside the advanced targeting options it offers.

In fact, in the ‘first quarter of 2023, Pinterest had 463 million monthly active users worldwide’, emphasising the global reach the platform has.

Pinterest also offers highly advanced targeting, meaning you can create specific audiences from people that have previously visited your site and from existing customer lists to get the most out of your ad spend.

Additionally, you can customise your ads to leverage the needs of audiences, narrowing them down to include keywords, interests, and demographics. If you're struggling to identify your highest conversion audience, scheduling a call with a consultant might help.

With an increasing number of users signing up for Pinterest every day, then, the potential Pinterest offers advertisers is apparent.

Pinterest ads
Since its inception, Pinterest has steadily become one of the most popular apps around the globe and is currently the 14th largest social network in the world, highlighting an opportunity for advertisers.

2. They Are Highly Cost-Effective 

Another key reason why Pinterest ads are effective is that they’re highly cost-effective. 

The average cost per click on Pinterest is around $1.50 per click. When you compare this to YouTube at $3.21 per click, Instagram at $3.56 per click, or LinkedIn at $5.26 per click, it’s evident that an advertising budget could be stretched further with Pinterest ads.

This makes it a highly cost-effective option for smaller e-commerce businesses with a limited budget.

When you pair this with the fact that using a combination of free and paid advertising tools   ‘can earn you 3x more conversions and twice the ROI on your ad spend’, you can see why more businesses are investing in Pinterest. 

If you're interested in creating engaging yet cost-effective ads for Pinterest, Aura Ads can help. Schedule a call to speak with one of our friendly team members on how to get started today.

3. Pinterest Is An App For Inspiration 

Another reason why Pinterest ads are effective is that Pinterest is an app for inspiration.

Pinterest is essentially a digital bulletin board and visual search engine rolled into one platform. 

Unlike platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, which are predominantly used to connect with people and share opinions, Pinterest is designed for users to find inspiration and discover a range of new products. 

Due to this nature, buyers also have a more open mind when it comes to searching on Pinterest, meaning that they’re more inclined to purchase from lesser-known brands. 

As such, users of Pinterest tend to be more receptive to advertisements from small and large businesses alike within the platform. 

Pinterest advertisements
In the ‘first quarter of 2023, Pinterest had 463 million monthly active users worldwide’, emphasising the global reach the platform has.

4. They Are Ideal For E-Commerce Brands 

Pinterest ads are also effective in that they are ideal for e-commerce brands. 

Pinterest is a platform designed for people to scour for inspiration, ideas, and even tutorials. This can play to e-commerce brand’s strengths in that it gives them the ideal place to showcase their products and related content, such as product comparisons and how-to guides in a creative way.

As the app introduced Shoppable Pins, businesses can automatically link stunning content and product pictures directly to their e-commerce website. This not only aids usability but also creates more purchasing opportunities for prospective customers.

Bearing this in mind, if you have an e-commerce brand, Pinterest is the perfect place to advertise. 

5. Pinterest Ads Help To Drive Traffic 

Lastly, Pinterest ads are effective in helping to drive traffic through organic and paid methods. 

As we’ve already discussed above, Pinterest is essentially its own search engine with a remarkable ‘85% of Pinners [claiming] they use Pinterest to plan new projects’ and find new products.

Pinterest users can search for what they’re looking for based on descriptions, categories, interests and other boards they have subscribed to in the past to discover relevant content and ads

While organic posts can include a range of links to your products back to your e-commerce website, paid ads can help bolster this by putting your ads and content in front of a wider audience. 

Pinterest ads
Unlike platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, which are predominantly used to connect with people and share opinions, Pinterest is designed for users to find inspiration and discover a range of new products. 

We hope that this article has given you a better understanding of whether you should be experimenting with Pinterest ads.

We are Aura Ads, an ecommerce ad service designed for D2C eCommerce brands. We help clients sell more online and grow at scale with our bespoke video and static creative delivered on a monthly basis. For more tips and tricks from our experts, head over to our blog page.

Written by Jemima Thomas for Aura Ads.

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